Getting inspired from Satya Nadella, the new CEO of Microsoft – 69th Monday Munch – 3rd March, 2014.

Mar 03, 2014

Hello friends,

Welcome back to the Monday munch.

Today in the beginning of the session we saw an article which mentioned the letter written by Satya Nadella, the new CEO of Microsoft to its employees. In the introduction letter Mr. Nadella has mentioned his plans that he wants to implement in the company. In the letter he had also given a detailed introduction about himself to his staff so that they can know him better, both personally and professionally. He says that family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge defines him.

Here he has mentioned that Microsoft does not respect tradition- it only respects innovation. Moreover he says”I knew there was no better company to join if I wanted to make a difference”. He finally said that he believes any company needs talent, resources and perseverance and he finds all the three things in the company. So he hopes to take the company to the next level making a remarkable progress.

In the later part of the session we discussed about our ongoing projects. Reviews and updates were taken for the top five tasks which were defined in the previous week.

Thats all for now… will get back to you soon on next Monday.

Categories: Business , Culture , Entrepreneurship , Management Tags:

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