Careers Talent Pool

What is Talent Pool?

Talent Pool is the database we maintain of interested personnel who are interested to work with us, now or in future. We also keep our former team members in this database.

How it works?

It's very simple. If you like Avinashi and want to be part of it based on openings now or in future, Register yourself and you will get updates about Avinashi's openings time to time. Which you can utilize not just for you but also for your friends if you find them more aligned to our openings.

You register with us, We will send you access credentials on your email and mobile. It automatically does basic validation of you for our HR team and they can invite you for best place you desire.

Be part of Talent Pool

Well, Its very simple. Just fill up a small form and upload your CV and you will be part of our Talent Pool. Sooner or later it would be valuable investment of your time for you or your friends!

Click here to REGISTER yourself with Avinashi Talent Pool.